The ABC method

The ABC method can help you figure out how the way you think may be causing you to feel down. The ABC method has three steps.

  1. When you notice that you feel bad, first try to figure out when this started. For example, you may notice that you feel bad after you see that it's raining and cold outside, ruining your plans to be outside. This is the Activating Event that triggers your down mood.
  2. Next, look at how you think about the Activating Event. When you see that it's raining, you may think, “It's miserable outside and now my day is ruined.” This is the negative Belief that you have. Negative Beliefs can cause down moods.
  3. Finally, you experience the Consequence, which is how you feel. Because you believed that the rain would ruin your day, your mood went down.

Here's a diagram which shows the steps of the ABC method:

Activating Event Belief Consequence
Raining Outside I can have a good day even if it's raining Feeling Better