Welcome back!

As we discussed back in the first module, the years between being a teenager and adulthood bring many changes. Change is a necessary part of life at all ages. You may or may not like the life you have now, but you probably won't have the same life you do now 10 or 20 years from now. Even the changes you are looking forward to, like finishing high school and going to college, starting work, or joining the military are not easy.

Each time your life situation changes, you will be altering many, if not most, of your day-to-day relationships. A change doesn't have to be as big as moving to a new town: a change in the time you spend with friends will also alter your social network. Even relationships you keep, like those with your family members and your truly close friends, will not always stay the same. You may no longer see these people on a day-to-day basis, and you probably will make new friends.