Only a doctor, a counselor, or a psychologist can determine if you really
have clinical depression. If you are unsure about whether you need
treatment, you can visit
this website
to learn more information regarding depression and treatment.
It is not uncommon for people to wait too long to seek treatment. It's
often hard to figure out for yourself that you need treatment. Depression
tends to cloud one's thinking. Depressed people may not recognize that
their eating, sleeping, and pace of daily activities have changed. Most
people can notice that they feel down but do not recognize that they have
progressed into more severe symptoms. That's why it is important for you,
as someone who has been told there are risk factors for depression in your
life, to remain as watchful and informed as you can, to keep absorbing what
you learned at CURB into your everyday life, and to make regular doctor's
visits a part of your routine.