Here is a TRAP (Trigger, Response, Avoidance Pattern) whose parts, when identified, can give you a method to find the bad habits that you've built up in your life.
Let's look at one example and use the TRAP method.
“I really wish I had not taken this AP history class-I have too much homework!”
§ really wish I had not taken this AP history class • (This is the Response)
§ Having lots of homework and realizing the AP class is taking up more time
than you prefer to spend with your studies.
(This is the Trigger-the requirements of the class compared to the amount
of free time left for you seems discouragingly small)
§ Telling yourself, “I might as well quit the class; maybe I'll take it
next year-besides, if I quit AP history I'll have a lot more time to spend
with my friends and they're more important than a boring class.”
(This is the Avoidance Pattern-you settle for a short-term sense of encouragement (your friendships) to make you forget your discouragement about how challenging it is to take an extra-hard
There's a saying that goes, “everybody is afraid; what makes a person brave is that s/he acts even when afraid.” The way to real success is to act despite your initial discomfort or lack of energy. With time and persistence, new behaviors will actually improve your energy, your motivation, and your mood. It just takes time and determination to change.