Identifying the parts of a TRAP and TRAC

Let's look at the AP class example again.

This is the same Trigger- the requirements of the class compared to the amount of free time left for you seems discouragingly small.

The key is to remember that no matter how you feel, you can always choose how you want to act. When you feel like you've fallen into a behavioral TRAP, you can instead choose to get back on TRAC (Trigger, Response, Alternative Coping) to break the cycle.

Notice that the first step is the same; you can't always keep a trigger from happening to you, and you can't always control your feelings/emotions.

However, you always have the power to choose your reaction to an emotion. You can choose behaviors that could bring greater rewards for your life rather than behaviors that reinforce your down mood.

§ Alternative Coping: For example, before you get stressed about the amount of work required to get a good grade from the AP history class, figure out how you should schedule your time.

° Divide your after-school and weekend time into manageable parts (for example, 2-hour chunks). You may want to buy or make a calendar.

° List your classes and make short notes in the calendar to highlight important things, such as: due dates for assignments, upcoming tests, reading list due dates.

° Add your other regular activities to the calendar, such as club meetings, events with friends, chores, part-time jobs, music lessons, and so on.

° Post the calendar in a spot you can easily see AND check the calendar every day.

° If you're feeling like you're way too busy

Decide what you can change on your calendar that will keep your life in balance and your goals on track

° If your grades in AP history are lower than where you feel they should be

Decide what you can do to improve the grades (ask your teacher for practice sheets, ask for help in finding a tutor, ask others in the class if they want to form a study group, etc.)

§ So now you can feel more confident that you will get an excellent grade from the AP class and this achievement will help you reach other goals, such as having a great GPA or getting a scholarship for college.