It wouldn't make sense to try and improve your social skills by just reading about them, just as watching the Olympics won't make you better at running. You have to practice your skills in the real world with real people. In each module of CURB, you are asked to complete a homework assignment, but no one can make you do this; it's up to you to make sure the assignments get done.
Since we don't grade you on your participation in CURB, only you are going to see how healthy communication in relationships can help support you as you grow into your resilient adult self, balancing the need for support and independent thought and identity.
If it doesn't work for you, that’s ok. Feel free to ask for help from people around you (after all, this is about relationships), and talk to your doctor or another supportive adult if you feel uncomfortable or upset while doing this program. If things ever feel out of control, you can always call a hotline like 800-273-TALK (8255) and talk to someone at any time! Go out and do what you can. Good luck!