Surviving tough times and tragedies

All of the coping strategies we described may seem small compared to what may be required of you in a real tragedy. This might be the loss of a loved one, witnessing a disaster, or being a victim of a crime. Any one of these situations can affect someone for a long time. Many people turn to counselors or religious leaders to help them cope and understand traumatic situations. As time passes, many people are able to find a way to grow stronger after a tragedy.

There is an important difference between a survivor and a victim: successful survivors don't blame themselves for the acts of others . They realize that they have to take charge of their lives after a loss or injury. They often find a way to turn their loss into a personal mission for personal improvement or to help others. In this way they can see their losses not just as tragedies, but as events that lead them to grow stronger and serve others. If you’ve been through a traumatic situation and feel like you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to talk to someone like a counselor or religious leader who can help you feel more like a survivor!