We all have coping mechanisms-first responses-for dealing with something difficult. But you can “grow the seeds” of resiliency and therefore improve and expand your ability to be resilient.
Resilient people sometimes use humor to take the
sting out of bad circumstances. They don't make fun of others, but they do find the funny
side of situations.
Tackle problems in order of importance. Resilient people tackle situations in the order of their importance and they look forward to the future with a hope that challenges will get better.
Setting aside problems is sometimes necessary until you feel ready to cope with them and solve them. Sometimes you may have too many problems at one time. If one problem is too big or if you have one too many problems for a given time, you put a problem aside for a while-as long as you don't pretend that it doesn't exist.
Refocusing your energy on constructive activities can help you cope with difficulty while also helping to boost your spirits (and perhaps that of others, too). This strategy can also help you if you are struggling with a habit you want to break when you’re using it to cope with your challenges.
You learned some of these skills in Modules 1-5 of CURB.