The main goal of Project CURB is to help you meet your goals-whatever they may be. CURB stands for Chicago Urban Resiliency Training. It's a Chicago program designed by doctors, psychologists, social workers, and kids in Chicago to help kids in Chicago grow strong. That means reaching your goals and not getting dragged down with the blues. To help you meet your goals, Project CURB wants to teach you how taking part in regular, enjoyable, worthwhile activities, thinking positively, and building strong friendships can help protect you from depression as you make the transition into adulthood.
This website is for your personal use and learning. We encourage you to reach out to the helpful adults in your life if you need someone to talk to! If at any time you find your self-having thoughts about hurting yourself or someone else, make sure you talk to an adult and get help right away! Those thoughts can be scary, but there are people ready to help! You can even call a 24 hour hotline at 800-273-TALK (8255) at any time if you need help!